Saturday, July 7, 2012

KING KONG is coming, Part 1 (1933)

In 1933, RKO produced a six-part illustrated comicstrip that ran in newspapers across the country to promote KING KONG. This is the first chapter. The captions are reproduced here as they were originally published.

 On Skull Island "King Kong" the great ape who lives atop skull Mountain and of whom every living creature  lives in terror, awaits the sacrifice of a brown girl from the natives. Against him the natives, have erected a tremendous wall. It is on-the ceremonial day when the adventuring producer, Carl Denham, lands with his motion picture troupe.

"A white and gold bride for King Kong! " The natives offer six of their dusky belles in exchange for Ann Darrow, golden blonde leading lady of the picture company. Jack Driscoll, in love.with Ann, is for violence, but Denham and Capt. Englehorn realize they must keep the good will of  the natives. Vowing friendship and promising to return tomorrow, they go back to their good ship, the Adventurer.

Alone - on deck, that night Ann is seized and abducted by the natives. She is not allowed to scream. As they roughly put her over the ship's side to the dougput, she is afraid in a way that she has never imagined.

"Another bride for King Kong!" The natives open the huge defensive gates and place her outside on an altar.  They gather on the ramparts and strike the great gong, signal to "King Kong." Treetops tremble and fall.  "King.Kong is coming!" Then Ann sees leering down at her on her high altar — an ape fifty feet tall!  Helpless, she screams!

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