Thursday, July 19, 2012

King King is Coming, Part 3 (1933)

"King Kong" finds a deadly dinosaur threatening Ann, whom the ape deposits in the crotch of a high tree for safety while he does combat with the Tyrannosaurus,measuring nearly seventy-five feet from nose to tail. Afraid as she is of her fate in the hands of "King Kong" she still wants the great' ape to win.
The open mouth of the Tyrannosaurus is far more terrifying.

No sooner has "King Kong" dispatched the dinosaur than  another monster ages old — a water serpent— raises its long neck from a pool. Driscoll, Ann's lover, gamely trailing the ape, watches "King Kong" crush - this monster's head in his mighty grip. He wonders,' why "King Kong" has protected Ann instead of devouring her.

Home at last at the top of Skull Mountain, "King Kong" proceeds to inspect the wonders of the golden beauty that is now his. He is so fascinated as he tears off Ann's sheer garments that he does not note the
approach of a Pterodactyl, giant-winged reptile, until it has ravenously snatched Ann out of his paws.

Now the Beast has lost his Beauty! Driscoll, hiding in the darkness, watched his opportunity to steal Ann away. there is but one help for their safe escape and that is to drop thousands of feet into a lake.

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